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Presentem, agrupades cronològicament, les activitats del STNB30 (2015-2016).

Els enllaços d'aquesta pàgina apunten a l'índex cronològic d'activitats o a les publicacions relacionades.

STNB30 (2015-2016)
Tema: Barcelona Fall Workshop on Number Theory
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Elisa Lorenzo Construction of CM genus 3 curves: a survey and first results 25-nov-2015 15 a 15:40h
Xevi Guitart Modular forms over fields of mixed signature and algebraic points in elliptic curves 25-nov-2015 16 a 16:40h
Ekatherina Karatsuba On approximation of special series of oscillating terms of quantum theory 25-nov-2015 17 a 18h
Samuele Anni On the generalized Fermat equation x2ℓ+y2m=zp 26-nov-2015 15:30 a 16:30h
Luis Dieulefait Automorphy of the tensor product GL(2)⊗GL(n) 26-nov-2015 17 a 18h
Lassina Dembélé Serre weights and wild ramification in two-dimensional Galois representations 27-nov-2015 10:30 a 11:30h
Nuno Freitas On some Fermat-type equations 27-nov-2015 12 a 13h
Tema: Corbes modulars de nivell infinit
Publicació associada (abstracts)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Xevi Guitart Introducció a les corbes modulars de nivell infinit 25-gen-2016 9:40 a 11h
Eduard Soto Grups p-divisibles, grups formals i deformacions 26-gen-2016 9:30 a 11h
Santiago Molina Espais de Lubin-Tate de nivell infinit 27-gen-2016 9:30 a 11h
Alberto Cámara Espais àdics i espais perfectoides 28-gen-2016 9:30 a 11h
Xavier Xarles Models estables de corbes de nivell infinit 29-gen-2016 10 a 11:30h
Tema: 30 anys de STNB
Publicació associada (abstracts)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Nuno Freitas An extension of the Faltings-Serre method 25-gen-2016 11:30 a 12:30h
Luis Dieulefait The 2004 STNB on Fontaine-Mazur and Serre's conjectures, and its influence on my proofs of cases of these two conjectures 25-gen-2016 12:40 a 13:40h
Preda Mihailescu On the Iwasawa-Leopold conjecture 26-gen-2016 11:20 a 12:20h
Francesc Fité On fields of definition of ℚ-curves and Sato-Tate groups of abelian surfaces 26-gen-2016 12:30 a 13:30h
Adolfo Quirós Confluencia formal de operadores cuánticos 26-gen-2016 15:15 a 16:15h
Josep Gonzàlez Fermat i el seu darrer teorema 27-gen-2016 11:20 a 12:20h
Joan Nualart Uniformització hiperbòlica d'algunes corbes de Shimura en el cas D=22
Conferència especial en ocasió del 60è aniversari d'Artur Travesa
27-gen-2016 12:30 a 13:30h
Anna Rio Hopf Galois and ramification 28-gen-2016 11:20 a 12:20h
Joan Carles Lario Al-karají y yo 28-gen-2016 12:30 a 13:30h
Francesc Bars Iwasawa theory and STNB, a personal view 29-gen-2016 12:30 a 13:30h
Tema: Comunicacions
Publicació associada (abstracts)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Paloma Bengoechea Badly approximable numbers in Diophantine Approximation 25-gen-2016 15:15 a 15:40h
Boris Bartolomé On the equation Xn-1=B·Zn 25-gen-2016 15:45 a 16:10h
Alberto Cámara On the reciprocity law for p-adic Green functions 25-gen-2016 16:15 a 16:40h
Iago Giné Jacobians of Mumford curves, a new perspective for generalizations 25-gen-2016 17 a 17:25h
Anna Somoza Aritmètica en corbes de Picard amb multiplicació complexa 25-gen-2016 17:30 a 17:55h
Klara Stokes Configurations of points and circles on surfaces from uniform dessin d'enfants 25-gen-2016 18 a 18:25h
Samuele Anni Inverse Galois problem and uniform realizations 26-gen-2016 16:20 a 16:45h
Sara Arias de Reyna Jacobian varieties of genus 3 and the inverse Galois problem 26-gen-2016 17 a 17:25h
Eslam Farag-Badr On loci of smooth plane curves with non-trivial automorphism groups 26-gen-2016 17:30 a 17:55h
Elisa Lorenzo Twists of the Klein quartic, a complete classification and a modular interpretation 26-gen-2016 18 a 18:25h
Carlos de Vera On the Euler system of CM points of Shimura curves 29-gen-2016 12 a 12:25h
Tema: Els set problemes de la setmana
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Pilar Bayer El set problemes de la setmana 27-gen-2016 15:30 a 17:45h
Tema: Homenatge a Pilar Bayer
Publicació associada (lloança)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Artur Travesa Lloança a Pilar Bayer
Sessió especial d'homenatge a Pilar Bayer en ocasió del seu 70è aniversari; aula Magna de la UB
28-gen-2016 16 a 18h
Tema: Barcelona Spring 2016 Workshop on Number Theory and K-Theory
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Andrew Tonks The 1-type of Waldhausen K-theory as an abelian 2-group 20-abr-2016 10 a 11h
Abdó Roig-Maranges Motivic homology and spaces of algebraic cycles 20-abr-2016 11:15 a 12:15h
Satoshi Kondo Introduction to motivic cohomology and algebraic K-theory 20-abr-2016 12:30 a 13:30h
Bruno Anglès On Anderson's "cyclotomic units" and special L-values (I) 20-abr-2016 15 a 16h
Santiago Molina Cohomology of arithmetic groups attached to automorphic forms 20-abr-2016 16:15 a 17:15h
Piermarco Milione p-adic uniformization of Shimura curves through Mumford curves 20-abr-2016 17:30 a 18:30h
Joachim Kock From zeta functions to Waldhausen's S-construction 21-abr-2016 9:15 a 9:45h
Satoshi Kondo Motivic cohomology of curves and varieties over a finite field (I) 21-abr-2016 10 a 11h
Alexis Virelizier 3-dimensional topological quantum field theories
Invited talk Ferran Sunyer Balaguer Prize 2016
21-abr-2016 11:15 a 12:15h
Bruno Anglès On Anderson's "cyclotomic units" and special L-values (II) 21-abr-2016 15 a 16h
Santiago Molina p-adic L-functions 21-abr-2016 16:15 a 17:15h
Daniele Casazza Stark points and Hida-Rankin p-adic L-functions 21-abr-2016 17:30 a 18:30h
Satoshi Kondo Motivic cohomology of curves and varieties over a finite field (II) 22-abr-2016 10 a 11h
Bruno Anglès On Anderson's "cyclotomic units" and special L-values (III) 22-abr-2016 11:15 a 12:15h
Santiago Molina Stark-Heegner points on modular abelian varieties 22-abr-2016 12:30 a 13:30h