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Presentem, agrupades cronològicament, les activitats del STNB37 (2023-2024).

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STNB37 (2023-2024)
Tema: Langlands base change for GL(2) and automorphy for symmetric powers
Publicació associada (abstracts)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Iván Blanco-Chacón Preliminary facts and a (detailed) overview of the proof 5-feb-2024 10:00 a 11:20h
Javier Guillán Rial First half of the proof of base change over ℚ: (micro) good dihedral primes and killing ramification 6-feb-2024 10:00 a 11:20h
Javier Guillán Rial Second half of the proof of base change over ℚ: weight modifications and connecting with a CM form 7-feb-2024 10:00 a 11:20h
Iván Blanco-Chacón Automorphy of Sym5(GL(2)) and refinement of the base-change proof for GL(2) 9-feb-2024 10:00 a 11:20h
Tema: Plectic insights on the BSD conjecture for higher rank elliptic curves
Publicació associada (abstracts)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Michele Fornea Gauss' class number problem and the BSD conjecture 5-feb-2024 11:30 a 12:30h
Michele Fornea Introduction to the plectic philosophy 6-feb-2024 11:30 a 12:30h
Michele Fornea Bestiary of plectic points 7-feb-2024 11:30 a 12:30h
Michele Fornea Iwasawa theory and mock plectic points 8-feb-2024 10:00 a 11:00h
Tema: Conferències i comunicaccions
Publicació associada (abstracts)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Santiago Molina Períodes, modularitat de corbes el·líptiques, i valors crítics de funcions L 5-feb-2024 12:40 a 13:30h
Alberto Fernández-Boix On some algebraic and geometric extensions of Goldbach's conjecture 5-feb-2024 15 a 15:50h
Ariel Pacetti On the Galois representation attached to the curve y6=x3(1-x)(1-tx) 5-feb-2024 16 a 16:20h
José Antonio Castro Universal deformations of representations 5-feb-2024 16:20 a 16:50h
Alain Kraus Totally real points on the curve x5+y5+z5=0 6-feb-2024 12:40 a 13:30h
Iván Blanco-Chacón Post-quantum cryptography and number theory: a fruitful alliance 6-feb-2024 15 a 15:30h
Carlo Sanna On the (Non-)Equivalence of Ring Learnimg With Errors and Polynomial Learning With Errors 6-feb-2024 15:40 a 16:30h
Tapani Matala-aho Euler's factorial series, Hardy integral, and continued fractions 6-feb-2024 16:40 a 17:30h
Enric Florit On simple reductions of abelian varieties 7-feb-2024 12:40 a 13:30h
Carlos Caralps Algorithms to compute Stark numbers 8-feb-2024 11:10 a 12h
Ignasi Sánchez Computing Bianchi modular forms with character 8-feb-2024 12:10 to 12:30h
Iván Blanco-Chacón Potentially diagonalisable modular lifts of large weights and supersuspidal modular lifts of weight 2 8-feb-2024 15:20 a 16:10h
Rodrigo Martín Overview and extension of root-based attacks against PLWE instances 8-feb-2024 16:20 a 17:10h
Zoé Yvon Coincidence of division fields of an elliptic curve 8-feb-2024 17:10 a 17:30h
Óscar Rivero-Salgado p-adic L-functions and diagonal cycles for GSp(4)×GL(2)×GL(2) 9-feb-2024 11:30 a 12:20h
Marc Masdéu Càlcul eficient de funcions theta associades a grups de Schottky p-àdics 9-feb-2024 12:30 a 13:20h
Tema: Sessió especial en occasió del 60è aniversari de Joan-Carles Lario i d'Anna Rio
Publicació associada (abstracts)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Pilar Bayer Retrobaments en un 60è aniversari: Quan la intel·ligència era purament natural 7-feb-2024 15 a 16h
Jordi Quer Paraules 7-feb-2024 16:10 a 16:30h
Daniel Gil Hasta la teoría Hopf-Galois y más allá 7-feb-2024 16:40 a 17:30h
Joan-Carles Lario, Anna Río La primera irregularitat 7-feb-2024 17:30 a 19h
Tema: Rational points on curves of high genus
Publicació associada (programa)
Ponent Títol Data Hora
Roberto Gualdi Welcome session 27-feb-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Javier Guillán Rial Preliminaries on Néron-Tate heights: The heigh machine 12-mar-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Ignasi Sánchez Preliminaries on Néron-Tate heights: Néron-Tate heights on abelian varieties 19-mar-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Eloi Torrents The Mordell-Weil theorem: The weak Mordell-Weil theorem for elliptic curves 2-abr-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Michele Fornea The Mordell-Weil theorem: The Mordell-Weil theorem for abelian varieties 9-abr-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Enric Florit Falting's theorem (after Vojta and Bombieri): Néron-Tate heights on Jacobians 16-abr-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Santiago Molina Falting's theorem (after Vojta and Bombieri): The geometric part -- Vojta divisors 23-abr-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Xevi Guitart Falting's theorem (after Vojta and Bombieri): The analytic part -- A bound for the Néron-Tate bilinear form 30-abr-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Marc Masdéu Falting's theorem (after Vojta and Bombieri): The diophantine part -- A Vojta divisor of small height 7-mai-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Francesc Fité Falting's theorem (after Vojta and Bombieri): Piecing up -- Vojta's inequality and Falting's theorem 14-mai-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Martín Sombra Falting's theorem (after Vojta and Bombieri): Piecing up -- Vojta's inequality and Falting's theorem 21-mai-2024 15:20 a 16:50h
Roberto Gualdi A uniform Mordell-Lang statement: A uniform Mordell-Lang for curves 28-mai-2024 15:20 a 16:50h