Travesa, A.:
Equacions algebraiques. Updated version (corrected and augmented) of Apunts d'Àlgebra.
Travesa, A.:
El teorema de Kronecker-Weber. Notes of the Curso de Teoría algebraica de Números,
CSIC, Madrid, from 2nd to 5th and from 22nd to 26th September 2008.
Travesa, A.:
Apunts d'Àlgebra An updated version (corrected and augmented) of these notes
is presented in the text Equacions algebraiques, above.
Tutorials about basic Arithmetic or Cryptography (Old versions)
Travesa, A.:
ElGamal.nb Mathematica notebook containing a basic study of ElGamal cryptosystem.
Travesa, A.:
ElGamal.pdf Pdf version of a basic study of ElGamal cryptosystem.
Travesa, A.:
RSA.nb Mathematica notebook containing a basic study of RSA-type cryptosystems.
Travesa, A.:
RSA.pdf Pdf version of a basic study of RSA-type cryptosystems.
Travesa, A.:
CriptografiaBasica-2.nb Mathematica notebook containing an introduction to classical cryptography; essentially, linear and affine cryptosystems, and also padding of messages.
Travesa, A.:
CriptografiaBasica-2.pdf Pdf version of an introduction to classical cryptography; essentially, linear and affine cryptosystems, and also padding of messages.
Travesa, A.:
CriptografiaBasica-1-Solucio.nb Mathematica notebook containing a solution to an exercise proposed in CriptografiaBasica-1.nb.
Travesa, A.:
CriptografiaBasica-1.nb Mathematica notebook containing an introduction to classical cryptography; essentially, Caesar and Vigenère's cryptosystems.
Travesa, A.:
CriptografiaBasica-1.pdf Pdf version of an introduction to classical cryptography; essentially, Caesar and Vigenère's cryptosystems.
Travesa, A.:
Factoritzacio.nb Mathematica notebook containing some elementary factorization methods.
Travesa, A.:
Factoritzacio.pdf Pdf version of some elementary factorization methods.
Travesa, A.:
ConstruccioDePrimers.nb Mathematica notebook containing a basic study about primality tests and a certified construction of prime numbers of a given length.
Travesa, A.:
ConstruccioDePrimers.pdf Pdf version of a basic study about primality tests and a certified construction of prime numbers of a given length.
Travesa, A.:
Eratostenes.nb Mathematica notebook containing an Eratostenes sieve.
Travesa, A.:
Eratostenes.pdf Pdf version of an Eratostenes sieve.